Dear Little Mountain Neighbourhood House Community,

In the wake of the recent fire, we have embarked on the arduous journey of sifting through the remnants of our offices. Regrettably, a significant portion of our belongings, spanning from computers and office furniture to files and program equipment, have been irreparably damaged. Despite this unfortunate circumstance, we must diligently undertake the tasks of categorization, documentation, and proper disposal. It hasn’t been easy.

This process is not only time-intensive but also places a substantial financial burden on our organization. The costs associated with restoration and replacement loom large, particularly for our modest non-profit. We have been committed to maintaining our programming by securing alternate venues for our programming and administrative functions, however, this comes with its own significant costs.

Amidst these challenges, we are heartened by recent positive developments. Just last week, The United Way of British Columbia offered funding to Little Mountain Neighbourhood House Society, designating it as one of the regional food hubs across the province. This honour comes with the task of formulating a comprehensive plan for the remainder of the fiscal year, a responsibility we eagerly embrace.

In light of the unexpected financial demands, we turn to you, our community, with a request for your financial support. Your generous contributions will aid us in offsetting our newfound financial burden and help contribute to rebuilding our Little Mountain Neighbourhood House Society. To contribute, please click on the designated donate button.

We invite you to stay connected with us through our upcoming blogs, where we will unveil exciting prospects for the approaching fall season.

With heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and contributions.

Joel Bronstein, Executive Director
Little Mountain Neighbourhood House Society