Settlement Team Update:

In the face of adversity, it is often said that the strength of a community is truly tested. When our settlement team faced a fire that took away our office, we were faced with challenges that tested our resilience and determination. However, we are proud to share that we never stopped supporting newcomers throughout this trying time. Thanks to the unwavering commitment of our team and the support from various community partners, we found a temporary home and continued to offer essential services, both online and in-person.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Bethel International Church for their flexibility and generosity in accommodating our team and the Child and Youth team.

The process of navigating the changes after the fire was far from easy. However, with the support of each other and our management team, we persevered. Staff members have been back in action, serving clients in person, which has been met with overwhelming appreciation from those we serve. The seamless transition was only possible because of the dedication and commitment shown by our staff.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself or anyone from the Settlement team.

Wen Ren, Settlement Services Supervisor

Ph: 604 849 7104