Children & Youth

The Children and Youth department offers a wide range of programming, resources and training for children and youth between the ages of 5 to 19. We offer a wide assortment of responsive and impactful programming ranging from after school programs, homework clubs, leadership peer support clubs, pre-teen drop-in programs, 1–1 specialized services, year-round STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) camps, youth action committee, social justice and youth leadership training, as well as annual youth-driven community events. All programs take place at our neighbourhood house, local elementary and secondary schools, and the wider community within the Riley Park and Sunset areas.  

Our programs are generously funded and supported by United Way of BC; Ministry of Children and Family Development; BC Gaming Branch; BC Housing; Service Canada; City of Vancouver; VanCity Credit Union; BioTalent Canada; CLICK; Vancouver School Board; Parent Advisory Committees (PACs), and local donors. 

The Team

Andrea Canales
Director, Children & Youth Department
(604) 879-7104 ext. 301

Stephanie Feng
Coordinator, Children & Youth Services and Programs
(604) 879-7104 ext. 302

Please contact to be added to our distribution list.

Children’s Programs (Grades 1–7)

School’s Out Thriving Minds
After School Program

October 2024–June 2025

School’s Out Thriving Minds After School Program is a free after school program for children in Grades 1 to 7. The program focuses on academic, health, digital, cultural, financial, and ecological literacy. We emphasize social emotional learning, leadership and inclusion through art, books, activities, and community learning projects with positive mentorship from staff and youth volunteers.

Registration: This program is open to children at General Brock, John Henderson, and Sir William Osler Elementary Schools, registration is required. For more information, please contact

General Brock Elementary

Who: Grades 1–4
When: Tu-W-Th until June 12th, 2025
Time: 3:00–4:30 PM

Where: Building a Playspace
Cost: FREE

John Henderson Elementary

Who: Grades 1–5
When: M-W-F until June 13th, 2025
Time: 3:00–4:30 PM

Where: Room 112 (M & W) + Gym (F)
Cost: FREE

Sir William Osler Elementary

Who: Grades 4–7
When: M-Tu-Th until June 12th, 2025
Time: 3:00–4:30 PM

Where: Library
Cost: FREE

CREW Pre-Teen Drop-in Program

Our CREW program offers weekly sessions aimed for pre-teens ages 9–12 to support the development of their social and life skills, in a supportive, responsive, fun, and collaborative environment. We will be cooking, making art, celebrating events, playing badminton, going on field trips and other group activities while building community with peers. 

Who: Grades 4–7 
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays until June 12, 2025
Time: 5:15–6:45 PM 
Where: Little Mountain Neighbourhood House (#102-1193 Kingsway)
Cost: FREE (with a $10 annual family membership) 
Registration: Ongoing registration, come by any time

New participants will be asked to complete a registration form on the first day they attend the program. For more information, please contact

Professional Development Days Camps

Come join us for Pro-D days! Children will engage in a variety of activities in art, science, and outdoor fun. Snacks included.

Who: Kindergarten to Grade 7
When: October 24, November 22, February 14 & April 28.
Time: 9:00 AM–4:00 PM
Where: Little Mountain Neighbourhood House (#102-1193 Kingsway)
Cost: $45/day

Limited spots available.


Winter Break Camp

Come join us for a jam-packed week full of STEAM activities, games, crafts, friends, sports, and most importantly, fun! Snacks included.

Who: Ages 6–12
When: December 23; December 30–31; January 2–3
Time: 9:00 AM–4:00 PM
Where: Little Mountain Neighbourhood House (#102-1193 Kingsway)
Cost: Dec 23 ($45); Dec 30–31 and Jan 2–3 ($75/session)

Limited spots available.


Spring Break Camp

Come join us for two jam-packed weeks full of STEAM activities, games, crafts, sports, and field trips. Build new skills, make new friends, and have lots of fun! Snacks included.

Who: Kindergarten to Grade 7
When: March 17–28, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM–4:00 PM
Where: Bethel International Church (739 E 33rd Ave)
Cost: $175/week

Limited spots available.


School’s Out Thriving Minds Summer Camps

Four 2-week-long fully subsidized summer camps aimed for IMBPOC (Indigenous, Mixed/Multiracial, Black, People of Colour), newcomer (less than 5 years in Canada), refugee, displaced, non-status, low-income, and/or neurodiverse children who could benefit from attending a 2-week day camp. Lots of fun and responsive activities, games, field trips, school preparation, language expansion, and community building. Daily snacks and lunch provided. 

Who: Kindergarten–Grade 7
When: 2-week cohorts (dates TBA)
Time: 9:00 AM–4:00 PM
Where: Little Mountain Neighbourhood House (#102–1193 Kingsway)
Cost: FREE (with a $10 annual family membership)

Limited spots available; by referral only.


Little Mountain Summer Camps

Come join us for a jam-packed summer full of fun, friends, and new adventures! Participate in STEAM activities, games, crafts, sports, field trips, and more! Snacks and most entrance fees included.

Who: Kindergarten–Grade 7
When: July 2–August 22, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM–4:00 PM
Where: Bethel International Church (739 E 33rd Ave) 
Cost: $180/week

Registration information sent out in early April.

Contact to be added to the distribution list

Youth Programs & Services

Launch at John Oliver Secondary

This program provides opportunities for youth to try new things, have a safe space after school to receive homework help, snacks, and fun opportunities after school at John Oliver Secondary School. Our goal is to nurture lifelong learning, academic success, career readiness, and community building.

Who: Grades 8–12
When: Wednesdays
Time: 3:00–5:00 PM
Where: Room 208
Cost: FREE


Launch at Tupper Secondary

This program provides opportunities for youth to try new things, have a safe space after school to receive homework help, snacks, and fun opportunities after school at Sir Charles Tupper Secondary. Our goal is to nurture lifelong learning, academic success, career readiness, and community building.

Who: Grades 8–12
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Time: 3:00–5:00 PM
Where: Staff Room
Cost: FREE


Youth Action Committee (YAC)

This committee of local youth is responsible for leading the planning, programming, and implementation of their signature annual events, including Children’s Day, Car Free Day, and World Refugee Day. In addition, this group takes action to advocate and educate their local communities on key and emerging issues impacting the world.

Who: Grades 8–12
When: Wednesdays
Time: 5:00–7:00 PM
Where: Little Mountain Neighbourhood House (#102–1193 Kingsway)
Cost: FREE


Beyond Education (BE)

A 6-week after school program that focuses on pre-employment, leadership and volunteering for students at Eric Hamber Secondary School. This program will also develop core career competencies for students in grades 10–12. This program is in collaboration with Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House.

Who: Grades 10–12
When: Starting April 7–June 16, 2025
Time: 3:30–5:00 PM
Where: Multi-purpose room at Little Mountain Neighbourhood House (#102–1193 Kingsway)
Cost: FREE

18 spots available.


Children & Youth with Support Needs Program (CYSN)

Who: Ages 12–18

This program provides 1-1 support for children and youth with support needs and their families in collaboration with Integration Service Workers. This program is citywide and focuses on developing goals with the child and family, building strong relationships, enhancing connections to local resources, and deepening integration into the community. Referrals and funding through the Ministry of Children and Family Development.

Contact: Andrea at

Our Funders and Partners