Community Engagement

At Little Mountain Neighbourhood House, we value diversity, accessibility, inclusivity and community engagement. We want to have a caring, vibrant, resilient community where all feel welcome and safe. The following are a few ways we do our work to build connections in the community with our neighbours.  

The Team

Maria Valenzuela
Director of Community & Family Resources
(604) 879-7104 ext. 401

Joanne MacKinnon
Community Engagement Coordinator
(604) 879-7104

Tim Mar
Music on Main Facilitator

Midtown Service Providers Network (MSPN)

Midtown Service Providers Network (MSPN) is a network of Agencies: organizations in the Little Mountain, Riley Park and Mt Pleasant neighbourhoods providing programs and services both in our communities and to the broader based areas of impact and collaboration. The MSPN aims to build a strong network of service providers to discuss strategies, explore solutions, address neighbourhood issues and build organizational capacity. We meet quarterly and in 2024, the MSPN hosted 4 education sessions looking at:  55+ Housing, Preparing for Climate Related Emergencies, Indigenous Learnings and the Status of Childcare. 

We are inviting organizations to participate by:  

  • joining our network 
  • participating in the meetings 
  • hosting our meetings  
  • identifying and assisting in organizing session of interest 

Sign up to participate in the network by completing this form.  

For more information and to be on the planning team, contact our Community Engagement Coordinator, Joanne MacKinnon, at

Climate Response Team (CRT)

Community members and agencies in the Little Mountain, Riley Park and Mount Pleasant neighbourhoods have been meeting since 2022 to respond to climate change related emergencies at the grassroots level. The aim of the CRT is to address and increase our individual and collective preparedness to respond to climate change related emergencies. 

Our LMNHS CRT will focus on three action items in 2025:  

  1. Form the planning committee with Terms of Reference 
  2. Continue to share information, resources, training opportunities 
  3. Build on our intentionality — inclusivity, missing voices, asset mapping, inviting community individuals and organizations to be engaged with the CRT for their input and participation.  

The LMNHS CRT is to be guided by a steering committee of community members and agencies.  

For more information and to be on the planning team, contact our Community Engagement Coordinator, Joanne MacKinnon, at

Neighbourhood Small Grants (NSG)

Ideas that connect neighbours.

The Neighbourhood Small Grants (NSG) program helps residents of any age, experience or background take part in building community. NSG was created by the Vancouver Foundation through local partnerships to build community and strengthen connections right where people live. 

LMNHS is located in the Central Vancouver neighbourhood. Check the NSG website to apply for the grant and deliver your project in the community where you live. You may apply online or request a paper copy that is also available in many languages. You can also visit the NSG website to learn more about the projects that have been funded in the past.  

For more information contact NSG Coordinator for Central Vancouver, Susan Faehndrich-Findlay, at or LMNHS Community Engagement Coordinator, Joanne MacKinnon, at

Strings and Things

Join the knitting and crocheting club at LMNHS. Meeting weekly, the sessions are open to all ages and abilities. We provide materials, instructions and great company! 

When: Every Wednesday
Time: 3:00–5:00 PM (drop in — no registration required)
Where: Little Mountain Neighbourhood House (#102-1193 Kingsway)
Contact: Jacqui at
Cost: By donation

Music and More on Main

An open stage of friendly folks sharing songs, poems, and stories. Whether you are a proficient player or a novice, everyone is welcome.

When: 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month
Time: 7:00–9:30 PM
Where: City Heights Housing (155 E 37th Ave)
Contact: Tim at
Cost: By donation