Become a Member

Membership Levels

  • Senior (65+) – $3.00 per year. Membership expires on December 31 of this year.

  • Adult (19+) – $5.00 per year. Membership expires on December 31 of this year.

  • Family – $10.00 per year. Membership expires on December 31 of this year.


Senior (65+)

Adult (19+)



$3.00 per year. Membership expires on December 31 of this year.

$5.00 per year. Membership expires on December 31 of this year.

$10.00 per year. Membership expires on December 31 of this year.

Membership Policy

This policy took effect on January 1, 2022.

Neighbourhood Houses promote a sense of belonging. Your voice and your input matters to us. Those involved in the array of programs offered at LMNHS are more than a program participant; they are members of this organization. Membership gives you some unique benefits; membership only events, program discounts, enhanced communication through newsletters and annual reports. Membership also entitles you to vote for the board of directors and policies presented at the Annual General Meeting.

  • All participants in Little Mountain Neighbourhood House Society (the “Society”) programs must be members of the Society. Provisionally, membership fees can be waived, if financial hardship is a factor and will be waived for all programs fully funded by the federal or provincial government.
  • Society membership is annual.
  • Annual membership fees are as follows:
    1. Adult: $5 (aged 19+)
    2. Senior: $3  (aged 65 and older, and unemployed)
    3. Family: $10 (unlimited number of individuals living as a family in the same household)
  • For children aged 12 and under who participate in Society programs but whose other family members do not, either one parent or guardian must be a member, or the family must have a membership.
  • If the membership fee would impose financial hardship on an individual or family, the Society may waive the membership fee.
  • If an individual is only participating, in programs fully funded by the Federal or Provincial governments, the Society will waive the membership fee, (i.e. settlement & special services programs).
  • All members aged 19 and older; including individuals who have a family membership, receive notification of the Society’s annual general meeting and are entitled to vote, in accordance with the Society’s bylaws.
  • Annual membership fees are subject to change by resolution of the Board. Any changes will take effect on January 1 of the following year.